
foodiePam could cook.

The oldest of ten, she saw it done well; homemade, quality ingredients, massive quantities.

She married young. Joe was special; smart, funny, motivated.

They shared values, life goals, interests, mutual attraction.

Love came easily, a perfect match.

I-am-not-a-foodieOne month into married life, Joe surprised her.

He didn’t need homemade dumplings, 10 pork chops, buckets of mashed potatoes, au jus.

“You know, we could just have a frozen dinner once in a while.”

Pam exhaled.


Note: I haven’t posted much lately. This would have been my response to the 79 Word Challenge that’s been circulated.

Will be back soon. Thanks for all your comments and concern. ❤️ Van

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38 Responses to Foodie

  1. Excellent story, Van. How lovely is that. Truly a perfect match. 🙂

  2. Erika Kind says:

    Ha… very cool stroy, Van!

  3. George says:

    Simplicity sometimes..:) hope everything is well.

  4. Lovely story Van. Thinking of you and hoping all is well 🙂

  5. C.E.Robinson says:

    Van, this is good! Hope all is well. 😊

  6. This is awesome! Hope all is well.

  7. markbialczak says:

    Wonderfully drawn in 79 words, Van. Non-foodie heaven.

    I hope you are well, my dear friend.

  8. love your story! hope everything is ok Van!

  9. amommasview says:

    Love it Van. Have a good day and hope you are well.

  10. gh0stpupp3t says:

    I am definitely a foodie. 🙂 Give me the mashed potatoes. Noms.

  11. gh0stpupp3t says:

    Mmm.. is that mashed potatoes or sushi bowls?

  12. gh0stpupp3t says:

    *eats mashed potatoes* lol

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