
It’s that time of year. The toes come out.

I saw a picture of my sister from a restaurant review in another state. It was a candid newspaper photo, she was a friend of the owner and a fan of the eatery.

What caught my eye served as a reminder. She was the glamorous sister.

Casual outfit, hair pulled back, freckled face, huge smile.


Google image. Elicits fear.

And there it was. She was wearing sandals, and her red toe nails matched her lipstick.

It was a signature look that she has sported for a lifetime.

It is not my style now, and never was.

I am a bit clumsy.  I could never wear flip-flops, or open-toed sandals.

I trip a lot.

You know those raised sidewalk seams ? They are there to torture me.

As recently as a year ago, after a lovely Mother’s Day dinner, I walked with my two adult children to a neighborhood park. Distracted by a lively conversation, I tripped and fell.

Bruised knee. Flesh wound.

I was one block from my home. This sidewalk gap had already caught me a few times, and I knew it was there. Still.

My daughter pointed out that she learned to walk properly in marching band. That’s a bit funny, because I was there when she was 14 months old, and I don’t remember the band.

But, she was right to repeat to me, over the years. “Walk heel to toe, Mom, heel to toe”.

Until I master that one, I’ll remain in supportive shoes.

And I’ll admire the pedicure. But it’s really lost on me.

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68 Responses to Pedicure

  1. Laughing. You don’t remember the band? Too funny. Sometimes our kids are a riot, aren’t they?

  2. Great post! Sidewalks and rocks are in cahoots to trip us up. For me, it’s catching my heel in sidewalk cracks. My shoes’ heels are always quite torn up. However, I’m still able to stay upright somehow. My daughter gets tripped up by the pattern in carpets.

  3. Ha, ha. I could never walk in flip-flops during my best years. Now that I have plantar fasciitis, i can’t wear anything other than walking shoes with orthopedic inserts. Well, maybe I *could* but the pain wouldn’t be worth it.

  4. I always paint my toe nails. It lifts my spirits. I never paint my finger nails though – totally impractical.

    • I did it for years, mostly for the beach, where I figured I’d have a chance to stay upright. And oddly enough, I was ok on the sand. Everywhere else…not so much.☺ One benefit…the paint on toe nails lasts a lot longer. Thanks so much.

  5. TanGental says:

    Hmm, not a post I easily access, this one, Van. For a start I’ve never owned a pedi so never had to worry if it got ill what I’d do. But then words like style and sandals appeared and left me in a funk of masculine inadequacy. Toenails have always been the things you lose after a long walk or which fire shrapnel when you try and cut them. I will go and whimper quietly in a dark cupboard…

  6. colinandray says:

    Being one who can nonchalantly trip over the center line when crossing a road… I can relate a little! 🙂

  7. Now there I was on first glance Van thinking what pretty toes you had LOL.. 🙂 I have to confess I love open toe sandles and walking bare foot.. Not always got away without mishaps though.. I did some jumping up and down last year when I trod on a thorn from a disgarded cutting of some roses I had dropped on the lawn.. xxx
    Happy weekend to you xxx

  8. I thought the pretty toes were yours until I read the post 🙂 If you don’t do that till now, I doubt if you want to be bothered with it especially given your need to protect your toes. I love painting my toes but not my hands. I’m always cooking, or cleaning or something.

  9. Nurse Kelly says:

    You will have much healthier feet and stronger arches in the long run! Just be careful on those sidewalks! Ouch! xoxo

  10. Oh, how i envy those pretty feet! I do wear open-toed sandals and flip flops in the summer. My reasoning is, I am clumsy anyway so it makes no difference what shoes I wear! 🙂

  11. Each of us sport our own unique style. Some guys like GQ, I like sweat pants, sneakers and a polo shirt. I think it’s pretty cool being comfortable with who you are.

  12. Elyse says:

    You know those people who loathe flip-flops? I’m one of them. That slap-slap sound that precedes the louder thud as I hit the ground irritates me no end. But open toed sandals I love. If it ever stops raining here in DC, I may actually dig some out.

  13. I like your comment about not remembering your daughter being in a marching band at 14 months old. Ha ha. I’ve never had a pedicure…not high on my list, but I’ve heard the foot rub that comes with it is amazing!

    • So I hear, D. I had a few manicures back in the day. It hurt. No one ever talks about that… something about those cuticles. I never wanted anyone messing with the feet. ☺

  14. amommasview says:

    Hey, you can do it just for you and hubby to be admired… and honestly, the color is nice but it’s about the treatment too… go, spoil yourself 🙂

  15. lbeth1950 says:

    Are you my twin? I fell last week. My knee is still sore and bruised.

  16. I hate those uneven sidewalks! They can be brutal when driving over them in a power chair.

  17. I totally understand you 😀

  18. I live in Southern California and sometimes do wear sandals. Kills my feet, though, to walk without arch support.

  19. I think I’m gonna just tip toe by this post, Van. 😀

  20. joey says:

    Oh, I always have painted toes. Since maybe 13. Always painted. In the winter, though, I wear neutral polish like “Champagne” or “Buff” but it’s time to break out the colored toes again now. I do trip myself quite a bit, but I find this has little to do with the color of my toes. I live in flip flops in the summer. Regardless of shoes, I don’t walk well while doing other things, including talking.
    The nails, less often painted. Too much cooking and cleaning and gardening to keep them pretty.

    Marching band, pffft.

    • Neutral colors ? That’s dedication, you get the pedicure prize. ☺
      Marching band…4 years of clarinet. The motivation was the band trip to Disneyworld.

      • joey says:

        My husband was in marching band, and he still walks weird. No way anyone learned to walk in marching band, but it sure sticks for some!

  21. I am so bad about tripping Van! I blame it on my glasses!

  22. lisakunk says:

    Yep. I get it. And that marching band walking kid? Yep. We have those, too.

  23. writerinsoul says:

    Your post inspired me to break out the polish and paint my toenails red! Seriously, I did. (I’m a seasonal painter myselft.) Looking at my (unprofessionally) polished toes makes me happy. Even if my feet would not win contests or modeling gigs. It has always felt fun and sexy to me.

    I once read an article by a podiatrist who said flip flops were terrible for feet; any shoe that forces you to “grip* on as you walk is not good for them.

  24. I was in marching band and remember the heel to toe walk. I still trip up on those sidewalk seams, though.

  25. nimi naren says:

    Ha ha…I can so relate to that. I can even trip when there’s nothing in front of me

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